Home » Frequently Asked Questions

Do you go by any other names?

We do go by Chase, as a short form of the name. And sometimes we abbreviate as CTM. But, other than that – we are proudly Chase the Music!

Are there any geographic boundaries?

No, we are looking to grow Chase the Music across the globe. There are deserving children and musicians with big hearts everywhere. As we get further from home, we’ll need extra help from the producers in putting everything together. We’re excited to work with you, where ever in the world you’re from!

What types of performances are there?

In general, there are two types of  Chase the Music performances.

First is a full Chase the Music event. The entire event is run by Chase the Music. All of the music is selected for the child, generally along some theme that the child is interested in. For example Disney princess music, or classic rock. These typically conclude with the premiere of the original Chase the Music composition.

Second is where the Chase the Music original composition is premiered as part of an existing event / concert. The music is the producers choice there, and Chase the Music is only responsible for the one piece.

Who did your awesome logos?

Lora Gilson came up with the original concept, and Chris Raykovich refined it and cleaned it up. Contact us if you’d like to reach out to them for help with your project.

Where did the name Chase the Music come from?

Chase the Music came to founder, Clark Hodge, one night as he was waking up. The original piece Chase the Morning Sun, was an interim name, but didn’t have direct meaning to others than those involved with the original production. Chase the Music came to him, it wasn’t be used by anyone else and shazam! It really is a believe that everyone should lives their lives chasing the music. Chase that which makes us happy, better people.

What genres of music are in a Chase the Music production?

We like to say that the genres for a a Chase the Music gift range from A to Z. That is, from Aboriginal to Zydeco! It’s just got to be right for the child! We generally don’t think that head-banger is great for infants, but there’s no rules against it. Chase the Music isn’t about too many rules – what’s right the child and the situation is right for us!