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What should I watch out for with venue selection?

Since many Chase the Music events have larger than normal numbers of special needs individuals, make sure that your choice of venue can accommodate those requirements. For example, make sure there is plenty of handicap seating AND parking if you’re producing an event with lots of wheelchairs. Or make sure there’s plenty of space for movement, when producing an event where children can’t be expected to be seated for the performance.

Where can a performance be?

Anywhere that works! It’s important that we first look at the child. Is the venue accessible? Then for the musicians, is there enough space for the group? Then for the producer. Does it meet the needs for everyone?!

Chase the Music performances can be in the home, at a school, in a gym, outdoors, at a camp, in an auditorium, on a commercial stage. There are no limits.  When designing a performance gift our producers, ask themselves “What’s the perfect place for this gift?”.

How do I make something extraordinary?

Chase the Music gifts are by definition extraordinary. We pride ourselves in going the extra mile though, to deliver a truly memorable experience. Something that over time will help the children even more than just sending them a CD. We’ve done things like bringing the children on-stage (and provided them with batons) to conduct the orchestra. They’ve been given limo services to be able to attend. We’ve had poster sized prints of their pictures. Special programs printed. Friends and care-givers have spoken at the event. We’ve given flowers to moms, grandmas, and special siblings – because they too are a big part of the event. We’ve put a star on a green room door, with the childs name on it. The room was so they could have a little time to themselves, and the start made it theirs.

We push hard for these little extras that make a Chase the Music event unique and extraordinary.

What’s an appropriate venue?

Really anyplace. Indoors our outside. In a home, at a hospital, in an auditorium or theatre. It all works, if it’s right the the child!

Should we charge for admission?

The big thing is that family and friends shouldn’t feel the burden of a gift. This is a gift first and foremost