Chito has many interests!! He LOVES to jump on a trampoline, bounce on an exercise ball, play in water, play with musical toys, flip through books and magazines, and use several apps on his iPad at home and in school. He also enjoys working on the Smart Board in the classroom. Chito absolutely loves to be outdoors. He enjoys running, swimming, and swinging. Many of the selections at the concert were Disney themes in recognition of his love for anything Disney.
He’s a big teddy bear of a guy and is loved by his family, friends and teachers. All involved felt strongly about providing this gift for Chito. We also felt that we wanted to recognize, and thank Chito’s school – The Joshua School. They are committed to helping individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Disabilities attain the highest quality of life, valuing each unique mind, body, and spirit. As such, the performance was dedicated to the school.Xander had major life health troubles right from birth and spent the first months of his life in the neo natal ICU. For the first years of his life, no one knew if the damage was permanent or not. Fortunately, Xander’s doing great now.
His father is a jazz bass player, thus the heavy lead bass lines and bass solo intro in “Xander’s Meander”.
Xander was able to attend the premier, and stayed snuggly under blankets with his mom and dad.
Jimmy (Jimmie, JeeMai…) Lange, is a long time friend and amazing musician. It’s said that any musician’s music sounds better with a little of JeeMai’s help. Jimmie has produced the Little Red Rocks festival in Lyons for the past 15 years, bringing artists from across the country out to perform under the stars in the Colorado mountains. He has a heart of gold and he tickles the ivory, like nobody’s business! His rock, reggae, blues, and jazz work is inspirational. His smile, infectious. Thanks Jimmy! We love you!
Michael Reese and SpaceJam, (link is to another improv piece, not Xanders Meander) is a jazz group with outrageous talent premiered Xanders Meander at Little Red Rocks Sept 8th, 2012 in Lyons, Colorado for a crowd of about 350.
Michael Reese – Guitar
Kim Stone – Bass
Britt Chiampa – Drums
Jimmy Lange – Keys
Xander’s Meander was performed at Little Red Rocks annual music festival, Lyons, CO.
Contact us for information about the score.
No pictures available.
From Thomas’ mom: Thomas returned home on a sunny, December day after sledding with friends complaining about a sore side. He had taken a spill flying down the sledding hill and his side ached. A normal afternoon with the normal bumps and bruises after having too much fun, we all thought. But as the days went by and the pain didn’t go away we started considering actually seeing a doctor. Maybe he had torn a muscle or bruised an organ? Christmas came and went and with no improvement in his pain, the doctor visit was scheduled. After a CT scan and a consult with the radiologist our doctor told us he did have something wrong: a hematoma on his kidney. The docs all agreed the sledding fall had nicked his kidney and now he had a huge sack of blood hovering over his kidney. We all breathed a sigh of relief. A few more months and he would be back to his active, thirteen year-old self, enjoying all of his favorite activities. But, that was not the road before him. In a few short weeks Thomas’ life would never be the same.
After an increase in pain and pain medications, we returned to the doctor. This time the ultrasound techs saw what had been there all the time, a massive tumor encapsulating his kidney and growing daily. We still didn’t know his diagnosis but as we rushed to Children’s Hospital, we sensed life as we knew it was rapidly disappearing. Thomas had major kidney surgery two days later to remove the tumor and the kidney. We, his family and friends, sat outside the operating room praying and singing through the nearly eight hour surgery. He then began a long, difficult journey to recover from the surgery. Before surgery he weighed 109 pounds. Two weeks later his weight had slipped to just 86 pounds. He was 5’9”.
We learned he had Wilm’s Tumor kidney cancer that had spread to his lungs and we cried tears of joy. Imagine crying with relief at a cancer diagnosis! But all other forms of kidney cancer were almost a complete death sentence. Thomas had the most treatable form of kidney cancer even though this cancer occurs mainly in children under five years old. We thanked God for hope and Thomas began his treatment. Weekly and sometimes daily trips to Denver became our new routine and Children’s Hospital became our new home.
Nine months later, with vomiting and sickness in the past, Thomas completed his treatment and his final scans revealed no cancer. He had experienced a rough treatment, uncontrolled nausea and vomiting, but our families and friends never left him without support. Singing became a lifeline for our family and his small attempts at viola playing thrilled all of us. The suffering was real but the joy found in the love of others was just as powerful. Thomas lost nine months of normal life to a vicious disease but he gained the knowledge of compassion, sympathy, and hope in time of deep suffering.