
Composers MIDI playback.  Note that improv intro and improv solos not included.

576859_10151026147079134_1086121577_nXander had considerable health troubles right from birth and spent the first months of his life in the neo natal ICU.  For the first years of his life, no one knew if the damage was permanent or not.  Fortunately, Xander’s doing great now.

His father is a jazz bass player, thus the heavy lead bass lines and bass solo intro in “Xander’s Meander”.

Xander was able to attend the premier, but stayed snuggly under blankets with his mom and dad.


Composer: Jimmy Lange


Jimmy (Jimmie, JeeMai…) Lange, is a long time friend and amazing musician.  It’s said that any musician’s music sounds better with a little of JeeMai’s help. Jimmie has produced the Little Red Rocks festival in Lyons for the past 15 years, bringing artists from across the country out to perform under the stars in the Colorado mountains. He has a heart of gold and he tickles the ivory, like nobody’s business! His rock, reggae, blues, and jazz work is inspirational. His smile, infectious.  Thanks Jimmy!  We love you!

Performers: Michael Reese and Space Jam

Michael Reese and SpaceJam, (link is to another improv piece, not Xanders Meander) is a jazz group with outrageous talent premiered Xanders Meander at Little Red Rocks Sept 8th, 2012 in Lyons, Colorado for a crowd of about 350.

Michael Reese – Guitar

Kim Stone – Bass

Britt Chiampa – Drums

Jimmy Lange – Keys

Venue: Little Red Rocks, Lyons, CO

Xander’s Meander was performed at Little Red Rocks annual music festival, Lyons, CO.


Final LRR 2012 Poster JPEG low-rez

Contact us for information about the score.