Home » Frequently Asked Questions

What’s an appropriate venue?

Really anyplace. Indoors our outside. In a home, at a hospital, in an auditorium or theatre. It all works, if it’s right the the child!

Should we charge for admission?

The big thing is that family and friends shouldn’t feel the burden of a gift. This is a gift first and foremost

Can a piece be for more than one child?

Of course! Pieces for more than one child with some similarity. It could be a brother and sister, a group from a special needs school, a camp supporting kids in wheelchairs. Just make sure it’s a piece with meaning for all!

Who can nominate a child?

Anyone can, however, we look to our producers, songwriters, composers and musicians. The closer they are to the child, the stronger the music produced is. If a nomination comes from the outside, we work to ensure that those working on the gift, become aware of the child. Meetings, video, stories from others all help them get to know the child.

How do I nominate a child?

For the time being, please contact us to nominate a child.  We’re working on on-line submissions for that, but for the time being – we want the personal touch.

What is the age range for the children?

From birth to 21(ish).

There are few, if any, hard rules at Chase the Music. We perform for ‘kids’ and the definition is… squishy.

Note we’ve also performed final rehearsals at senior centers, enabling others to enjoy the music and stories of Chase the Music.

Can it be for more than one child?

Of course! We’ve done a piece for a child with autism, but also dedicated the entire performance to his schoolmates. We’ve had a brother and sister, both born with spina bifida. We’ve done over one hundred kids at a local wheelchair camp. And of course, we’ve done very personal, individualized pieces too.

What children qualify?

Children with critical illnesses, serious injuries, major birth defects, debilitating syndromes and battling extreme crisis situations.

Children are not limited in age. We simply look to if they have a child-like spirit.

Geographically, we support children in globally.

Do you go by any other names?

We do go by Chase, as a short form of the name. And sometimes we abbreviate as CTM. But, other than that – we are proudly Chase the Music!

Are there any geographic boundaries?

No, we are looking to grow Chase the Music across the globe. There are deserving children and musicians with big hearts everywhere. As we get further from home, we’ll need extra help from the producers in putting everything together. We’re excited to work with you, where ever in the world you’re from!

What types of performances are there?

In general, there are two types of  Chase the Music performances.

First is a full Chase the Music event. The entire event is run by Chase the Music. All of the music is selected for the child, generally along some theme that the child is interested in. For example Disney princess music, or classic rock. These typically conclude with the premiere of the original Chase the Music composition.

Second is where the Chase the Music original composition is premiered as part of an existing event / concert. The music is the producers choice there, and Chase the Music is only responsible for the one piece.

Who did your awesome logos?

Lora Gilson came up with the original concept, and Chris Raykovich refined it and cleaned it up. Contact us if you’d like to reach out to them for help with your project.