
Annual Chase the Music blood drive.

Every year, Chase the Music sponsors a blood drive. We feel strongly that we must do more. We know that the power of music does amazing things for people, but it’s not the only thing. Blood is critical too, for the health of everyone!

We want to make the effort to not only donate but to encourage others to give the gift of life. In less than the time it takes to listen to an album (which you could do while donating), you can save three lives!

We do our drive at Easter. We’ve always felt that it’s the perfect day, whether you’re religious or not.

Music and Blood. They flow through us so that we may live. The beat goes on.

Our drives always produce more than 100% of our goal donation numbers. Thank you to everyone who donates, or tries to. And, for those that can’t – that’s ok, just pay it forward to others in your own way!

Pay it forward, play it forward!