
Donation partnerships

Sign up with these partners to bring music to the children

We’ve partnered with Amazon, and they’ll give us a percentage of your Amazon spending. Thanks for shopping with Amazon, and supporting Chase the Music. Then when you shop, just go to https://smile.Amazon.com/ and you’ll automatically be supporting us. 

Big Round World

Big Round World makes amazing adventure trips possible. They offer a $100 gift to Chase the Music when you mention our name at the time of booking. https://bigroundworld.com

See you around the world!

King Soopers / City Market / Krogers

King Soopers & City Market offers a donation when you select us, automatically every time you use your Soopers Card.

Goto https://kingsoopers.com then go to my account, then Community Rewards. Seach for and select Chase the Music. You’re in! Now every time you shop King Soopers – you’re creating music for the children!


IGIVE.COM provides shopping with over 2300 stores. When you shop with IGIVE – your purchases support Chase the Music!